Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (2024)

Region:Native to the Americas, Europe, Asia, Northern Africa
Used For:Food, medicine

Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) is most commonly known as wild carrot, bird’s nest, or bishop’s lace. Before carrots became what we know them as today, they were a bit more like their cousin Queen Anne’slace. There is a background story behind the names chosen for this incredible plant, but that’s getting a wee bit off topic.

Quick Facts And Identification

Queen Anne’s lace is a biennial plant, which means it is a plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and die. You can find wild carrot almost everywhere in the United States and in other countries as well.

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (1)

Dracaus carota has a flower that blooms from late spring until the middle of autumn. The flower cluster begins curled up, opens in order to pollinate, and then it rolls itself shut again. It’s similar to a reversed umbrella, hence the name bird’s nest!

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (2)

The flowers are white and look very much like lace, with one solitary dark purple floret in the center. The root and leaves smell very much like a carrot.

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (3)

That’s one of the ways to identify it. Wild carrot plants can grow anywhere from 1-3 feet in height by the second year. The green leaves of the plant are feathery, and they look very similar to the domestic carrot.

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (4)

Wild carrot roots can grow to be around 6 inches long, but they aren’t usually as wide as the common carrot.

A Word Of Caution

Before we proceed, I’d like to add a word of caution. Queen Anne’s lace has a very toxic look-alike that can be deadly: poison hemlock (Conium maculatum).


There are several other look-alikes as well:

  • False parsley
  • Giant hogweed
  • Spotted-water hemlock
  • Cow parsnip
  • Wild parsnip

Poison hemlock is known as one of North America’s deadliest plants. Small amounts can be fatal, causing death within an hour after consumption. It actually tends to grow in similar areas as Queen Anne’s lace, but there are several ways to tell the difference and distinguish one from the other. And always do your research!

Queen Anne’s Lace Vs. Poison Hemlock



  • Both belong to the Apiaceae family.
  • Both have hollow stems.
  • Both species have white flowers, and they bloom in an umbrella shape known as an umbel, which is common in the Apiaceae family.


  • Queen Anne’s lace has a hairy stem and is a darker shade of green than the Poison hemlock.
  • Poison hemlocks stem is hairless and has purple spots or blotches.
  • Poison hemlock does not get the dark purple floret in the center.
  • The flower clumps of the umbel of Queen Anne’s lace cluster closer together while poison hemlock’s bloom out more separated.
  • Queen Anne’s lace has fuzzy leaves while poison hemlock does not.
  • Queen Anne’s lace has three-pronged bracts at the base of each flower, as well as the main umbel.

When And Where To Find Wild Carrot

As I mentioned, Queen Anne’s lace can commonly be found almost everywhere in the U.S. It is considered by many as a noxious weed as it can take over rather quickly. You can find Queen Anne’s lace thriving in fields, meadows, roadsides, and waste areas. The plant is very hardy and can not only survive, but also thrive, in dry and hot conditions.

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (5)

When harvesting the young roots of the first year plants it is best to do it in the late autumn right after the first frost. This is because the frost causes the nutrients to go down into the roots and the plant leaves are less while the root is more flavorful. Harvesting the root in the second year will result in a hard woody root that is difficult to eat and enjoy.

Uses For Wild Carrot

Let me begin by saying that the whole plant is useful and can be consumed. Of course, different parts of the plant are harvested for use at various times.

Edible Uses

The second-year root might not be edible or desired, but it is a good time to harvest the stalks and enjoy them. Simply wash the stalk, peel it, and enjoy. The stalk has a crispy crunch and a nice carrot flavor. Here are some other ways to eat wild carrots:

  • The leaves of the wild carrot can be eaten raw or cooked like many other types of greens.
  • The flower clusters are also pretty delicious and can be eaten raw or fried. Some people like to batter them and “French fry” them.
  • The aromatic seed has been used for centuries as a flavoring for soups and stews.
  • The root can be harvested, dry roasted, and ground into a powder as a coffee substitute. I’ve yet to try this method, but I am very interested.

As Medicinals

Queen Anne’s lace is said to hold many healing properties. It has been used throughout the years to help heal many health issues and afflictions. Here are some of the said healing properties:

  • Analgesic
  • Anti-depressant
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Anti-flu
  • Anti-schizophrenic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Antioxidant
  • Antihistamine

Queen Anne’s Lace Jelly

I like to call this Royal Jelly! This recipe makes about 10 8-ounce jars.


  • 7 cups water
  • 7 cups sugar
  • 3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2-pack of powdered pectin
  • 30 fresh Queen Anne’s lace flower heads


  1. Properly sterilize your glass jars and lids.
  2. Wash harvested flower heads and allow them to dry.
  3. Bring water to a boil and remove from heat.
  4. Add flowers, cover, and steep for about 10 minutes.
  5. Use two layers of cheesecloth to strain your mixture into a measuring cup. There should be close to 6 cups of the tea.
  6. Add the tea back into the pot.
  7. Stir in the powdered pectin and bring it to a hard boil. Be sure to stir often.
  8. Add lemon juice and sugar stirring vigorously to be sure that it is mixed thoroughly.
  9. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and check for gelling after 1 minute.
  10. Once your jelly is gelled, remove it from the heat and quickly skim off any foam.
  11. Pour your soon-to-be jelly into the sterilized jars and process in a water bath for 5-8 minutes.

Queen Anne’s lace is much more than just a weed! It is a beautiful flower with incredible uses. Before you ever harvest or use any plant that is new to you, do your research and plenty of it. Once you know for sure what the plant is, and it’s been properly identified, enjoy it for what it is.

Queen Anne's Lace • Insteading (2024)


Can I transplant Queen Anne's lace? ›

You can dig up Queen Anne's lace when it's young and plant the carrot-like tubers in your garden, but this plant propagates most effectively by seed. The seeds can be gathered by gently brushing your hand over the flower umbels in late summer as it goes to seed.

What is the alternative to Queen Anne's lace? ›

Ammi (False Queen Anne's Lace) does this beautifully. It looks great with almost any type of flower and adds some much needed volume, texture and whimsy. You may have noticed the wild Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) growing in meadows and roadsides.

What is mistaken for Queen Anne's lace? ›

What other plants resemble Queen Anne's lace? Several plants in the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family resemble Queen Anne's lace and are poisonous. These plants include water hemlock, wild parsnip, poison hemlock, and giant hogweed.

Should I pull out Queen Anne's lace? ›

Hand-pulling or mowing can be effective to control Queen Anne's lace in the mid- to late summer before seed set. However, herbicide applications have proven the most effective method of control.

How invasive is Queen Anne's lace? ›

Many people consider Queen Anne's lace an invasive weed (it is listed as a noxious weed in at least 35 states), but it is used by some native animals for food. It is a host plant for eastern black swallowtail caterpillars and many butterflies and adult bees and beneficial insects utilize the flower nectar.

Is it safe to touch Queen Anne's lace? ›

CAUTION: May cause phytophotodermatitis where sap touches the skin and is exposed to sunlight; wear long sleeves if handling.

How can you tell the difference between Queen Anne's lace and hemlock? ›

Key differences between Poison Hemlock and Queen Anne's Lace

Stems: The stem of poison hemlock is smooth with purple blotches whereas the stem of Queen Anne's lace is ribbed and hairy. The hollow, finger-thick stems of poison hemlock are considerably thicker than the solid stems of Queen Anne's lace.

What is the benefit of Queen Anne's lace? ›

Herbalists historically used it as an antiseptic, to soothe the digestive tract, and as a diuretic. Others grated the root of Queen Anne's lace and mixed it with oil to calm topical burns. Consuming the purple bloom in the center of the flower was once believed to cure epilepsy.

What is the difference between Queen Anne's lace and poison hemlock? ›

The stem of Queen Anne's lace will be hairy it will have hairs fine hairs all the way up the stem. And no spots whereas poison hemlock will be a smooth stem with purple blotches. The flowers of both species are white and bloom in an umbrella shape pattern (called an umbel).

When can I transplant Queen Anne's lace? ›

When to Plant Queen Anne's Lace. Directly sow the seeds outdoors from late winter to early spring in February to May, after all danger of frost has passed. You can also plant them in late summer to early fall from August to September.

Where is the best place to plant Queen Anne's lace? ›

Queen Anne's Lace enjoys full sun to partial shade conditions, enjoy areas where there is relatively low humidity and moderate temperatures. They bloom from mid-spring through early fall and thrive in planting zones 3 through 9.

Does Queen Anne's Lace come back every year? ›

Queen Anne's lace is a biennial plant, which means it takes two years to go through its biological life cycle. 1. Plant seeds in the early fall.

Does Queen Anne's lace self seed? ›

Queen Anne's Lace can be propagated through sowing seed in spring, although it will self-seed.

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