Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (2024)

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (1)

Welcome all to the SV second MGaSO and six in the great line of game which it has become.​

Before i continue i must pay homenage to @Korona and @Scrapknight507 both of have made great developments to the series and from where this version take many of its mechanics. Another shutout to @kızıl sultan for letting me copy much of his stat system!.

Just like the original MGaSO games in master of the galaxy you will be able to play as a either a space-faring civilization of their own design, galactic corporation or as an individual character within the universe that we will create. What i want to say is your own ICs, actions and ideas that will shape the destiny of untold billions upon the star without much talk i Wish you good luck in the eternal dream of mankind: To conquer the Stars!.

Nation Sign up

Orders: Nations get 3 Orders, 2 Clandestine Operations Order, 2 War order.

All civilizations must be approved by me, and can be rejected by me the GM if it doesn't fit the game.
NO civilization made of gas sentients, nor lithoids sentients will be allowed. Hive minds, and AIs will be reviewed case by case

Sign up format:

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (2)
Current Galactic Map

The Realm of Nargothrond
The Principality of Anortaith
Republic of Mercia
The Unbound Empire
The Kingdom of Antamore
The Collective
The Apis Confederacy
The Zal'Traran Dominion
The Most Holy Imperial Alliance of Heavenly Ascended Realms
The Greater Distribution Network
The Karge Confederation
The Venaterolis Federation
Dine Zheehíyiyą


Galactic Map​

Systems Claim: You must establish your claim on the existing on 2 different pre-selected starting point system on the map i will tell you if it is taken or approved immediately, i will immediately tell you how many systems you get and which so you can lore appropriately. A claim approved doesn't mean approval of a civilization you can still be rejected once nation is presented.
Civ Name: The formal name of your civilization.
Government System: The form of government that rules your civilization.
Leader: The incumbent leader (or lack thereof) of your civilization.
Positive Traits: You must list three positive traits, i will select two of them (or ask you to change them if i don't agree with them). The traits will apply many effects depending on what they are upon your civilization.Think of this as similar to the civics in Stellaris. Is your civilization full of hardworking farmers, religions fanatics, etc. Feel free to ask me questions for clarification. Be creative
Negative Traits: Similar to above, list Three negative traits that your civilization possess.
Species description: Describe the physical appearance of your species. Go into as much or as little detail as you want. Pictures work too.
Homeworld description: Describe your homeworld. Is it a ecumenopolis like Coruscant, or a lush planet untouched by industry.
History: A brief (or long) history of your civilization. This is where you flesh out your civilization, delve into its history and explain what made your civilization the way it is today. IMPORTANT: All nations start knowing each other and with interactions as such you MUST write part of your recent history in cooperation with your neighbors to create the link between each other, it can be wars, conversations, raiding or complicated background between the two including claims and so on must be done in agreement. Second you must include when did you joined the Galactic council (look at GC section).

Civilization name: Name
Civilization leader: Title & name
Government type: Type of government
Political unity: Crumbling/Troubled/Poor/Stable/Good/Unyielding
Population: Low/Medium/High/Overpopulated
Economic Strength: Pathetic/Minor/Small/Medium/Large/Overwhelming
Economic outlook: Collapsing/Major depression/Shrinking/Stagnating/Growing/Strong growth/Major boom
Orbital Industrial Capacity: Diminished/light/Medium/Large/Gigantic/Overwhelming
Military quality: Non-Existent/Low/Average/High/Elite
Military equipment: Obsolete/Outdated/Adequate/Modern/Advance
Naval Forces:
Frigates: X
Destroyers: X
Cruisers: X
Battleships: X
Carriers: X
Military notes: Notes on military qualities, techs, etc.
Technology: Notes non-military technological achievements
Notes: Other notes on the civilization deemed important

Corporation Sign Up

Orders: Corporations get 2 Orders, 1 Clandestine Operations Order.

I am in agreement with @Korona in previous MGaSO at paradox galactic corps were poorly represented, following the lead of Korona this time around you can sign up to be one of these powerful non-state entities:

These corporations typically will have their own security forces, making them potentially powerful players in galactic politics. Corporations always are based out of other player's civilizations. You must ask a player's permission to base your corporation out of their civilization, mostly to avoid OOC conflict. There are many tpe of corporation from trading ones, to arms sales, to mainly mercenary corps so there is a wide field whatever you want to be.

Here's the template for corporation creation.
Corporation Name: The name of your corporation.
Chief Executive(s): The person (or people) in charge of your corporation.
Civilization of Origin: Where your corporation began and is based out of.
Important Assets: You can design up to two very important assets you
r corporation owns (for example some orbital shipyards, or mercenary unit, a battleship and so on)
History/Background: Explain how your corporation was formed and how it makes money.

Character Sign Up

Orders: Characters get 2 Standard orders, ICs can impact updates.

As @Korona mentioned in his own run of MGaSO oftentimes characters play a large roles in galactic politics, and I would like to keep that mechanic alive in this game. Characters can coup nations, start civil wars, or serve as loyal allies, it all depends on how politics play out. Players are allowed to pick up characters within other players civilizations. Players wishing to play as a character must ask a player if they can play within their civilization.

Character Name: Your name.
Character Appearance: How you look.
Position within Civilization: The position you hold within your civilization's society. This can be anything from a student to a general, it all depends on your communication with your civ's creator.
Positive Traits: You get two positive traits for your character to define who you are.
Biography: Your biography, how you got to where you are today.

How everything Works

Clandestine Operations

Clandestine operations are highly useful for anyone attempting to use the soft ways of war and define many things, from supporting rebels in your enemy, to secretly infiltrate him and much more they are a vital part of how nations, corporations and characters undermine their enemies and obtain a greater role in the galaxy.


All nations, corporations and characters (of course depends what you are doing) are able to improve the great mother that is science by developing things and investigating the wonders of the universe. You can do research about almost anything (If it is something i don't approve i will just tell you to change the order) from developing new class of ships, improving new fighting machines, creating new terrifying weapons, changing your ways of jumping to be faster and so on. Be creative, bio-weapons, new materials and so on and on and on.

How you do it? it's simple you use one of your orders (no war orders for research) to start the development depending on your luck, traits and what you want to do the research will have certain amounts of turn before its completed.

Once a research project is started successfully it will go on on its own until completion or if something happens to it ( i do a roll every turn but have low chances of failing). However if you want to accelerate this process you can invest more orders into it to reduce a turn per order (or more if lucky), this carries its own risks as the chances of failure and derailing the project increases, the risk may worth it.

You can too develop secret projects which are only announced as secret development in the updates, these projects have higher chances of failure and can be discovered but useful when your new superweapon is being develop and you don't want anyone to know about it.


Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (3)

Ship Building

The amount of ships, and the time they take to build will be determined by your Orbital Industrial capacity coupled with your Economic strength after all even if you have the resources and the money if you don't have where to build them no ship will be build, and the contrary is true if your economy have collapsed you won't have the money and resources to build anything.

All ships are build on the orbit of planets, moons, asteroids whatever may be as such if you lose control of your system your production capabilities may stop partially or totally on that system. Your levels, plus some luck determine what happens to your construction orders.

Fleet Composition

Fleets are the main fighting force in galactic warfare, there are several class of ships, ate the start of the game but you can develop more and bigger classes as game goes on or improved classes for example heavy cruiser, heavy battleship and so on. (can always consult with me)

Frigates: The main screen ship and highly used for ambushes by pirates. Frigates are fast but lightly armored for ship combat however they are very useful for screening against enemy squadrons.

  1. Frigates only carry small amount of forces, mainly for special forces deployment or small task such as taking taking control of space stations or mining colonies.

Destroyers: Destroyers are the cheapest of the fleet fighting backbone, armed with a myriad of weapons systems and used in great numbers by all nations of the galaxy. slower than frigates but much more armored. Used by fleets to protect battleships from boarding actions and rear attacks. Sometime used to lead task forces against pirates or Small fleets of frigates.

  1. Destroyers are able to transport only infantry forces however as they are fielded in great numbers a decent size fleet could deploy an acceptable if only infantry based force from it (this mean little to no heavy artillery, or heavier punching mechanical forces)

Cruiser: Cruisers are the most common division leader in the fleets, as battleships are expensive and a bigger hurdle to build, currently cruisers are used as main force backbone. Cruiser are stronger than destroyers in their anti-ship capabilities if slower.

  1. Cruiser are able to transport forces for planetary invasions however they cargo limited mechanized support for them
  2. Cruiser Ships are able to launch boarding actions against other ships including higher size ships (main use of boarding actions)

Battleship: The battleship the great battle fortress, highly reinforced to fight against several enemy ships at one and with a lot of weaponry is the main capital fleet of the galaxy, they are much more costly than other ships

  1. Able to transport high amounts of troops for invasions and mechanized companions, including air support.

Carrier : carriers usually carry anti-squadron weapons for self defense against enemy carriers. Their main weaponry is the use of squadrons of small attack vessels (typically one or two pilots per ship) against enemy fleets particularly bigger ships like battleships and cruisers. Squadrons vessels are small but adapted with potent engines that allow them to hit targets from farther afar than regular weaponry and to be use in surprise maneuvers. Highly deadly against fleets without scorts they are to be feared.

  1. Carriers are the maximum transport of forces able to deploy the whole complement of them in great number and with mechanized, artillery, air support up to using its own fighter-bomber squadrons in planet operations.


War is an integral part of the galactic diplomacy and actions, and one that may touch you and your beloved people at some point during the game.

War Orders

  1. Every nation at war get a set of order that is to be used exclusively for actions during a declared war. The actions can be used for anything related to warfare, from production to your detailed campaign movement and orders. be advised however to not write an entire page for one war order as that won't fly you must have a delimited scope of the order and resume it to no more than 3 paragraphs of reasonable size.
  2. War orders only get activated during a declared state of war between you and other nations, to fight undeclared wars you must use your normal orders, it applies to counter-insurgency actions in planets you own (meaning no war order for this) unless a civil war breaks out.
  3. War orders can be used to launch surprise attacks upon another nation you do not have an active war going on, with the understanding you will declare war once the Mini or the turn write up is posted.


Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (4)

Battles in space take many factors into account including:

  1. Your war order (if it is just fleet X attack system Z from system A it will probably get much decimated), Enemy war orders, your fleet composition, enemy fleet composition, the system where the fight is, enemy defences, your developed tech and combat advancements same for the enemy as well as traits and good old bit of luck and dice rolling to add that element of chaos that we all need in our carefully detailed plans!. The one that does all this juggling is my person and battle results are always final. Many things can happen in a battle so try to take the results in a stride and include it in your narrative.​


Once a system has been secured after a battle (usually defeated fleet retreats from the system) your fleet will enact a standard blockade of the system which is not allowing ships in or out of inhabited planets and lightly pursuing ships trying to cross the system.

If you decide to enact a total blockade of the system including for ships of other nations just passing through it must come in your orders (may have some repercussions) or announced IC wise so all galaxy knows that crossing by it will be fully targeted by your forces.

Blockade efficacy depends on the size of the fleet, a couple frigates won't be really able to secure a whole system may not even a planet, as in any blockade the more, the merrier!.

Players controlling fleets can also blockade enemy systems be it by taking control of the system and establishing a blockade or by controlling the warp entries from other systems to it and closing them.

Planetary Invasions

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (5)

If you secure a system your fleet can commence a planetary invasion in the same turn as it invade, however one you must ships carrying forces if you want an effective invasion, again a couple frigates won't be able to enact an effective invasion as their orbital bombardment capabilities are limited and their troop cargo is small, meaning planetary government will not surrender as there is no fear of real immediate repercussions (of course like all things this can vary)

There will no be planetary units, you can use ic to talk about your forces on the ground and so on planetary occupations will be more narrative (meaning no actual unit stats and so on but will write about how they go)

If you have a bigger fleet and start landing troops you have several options, most planets will officially surrender by the threat of orbital bombardment but some may not, if that happens you must decide (write it in your order and if not i will attempt to contact you, if no answer given invasion will pause) if you want to begin bombing from orbit or attempt and invasion without it.

Planets that do not surrender will use planetary guns to shoot against your landing forces and ships on orbit so that is always a further risk (level of defence installed by other players may make planetary governments decide to not give in to your threats) if that is the case you will need to decide to bombard and soften the defense to establish the occupation.

In all cases local populace and government will resist you with insurgencies that you will have to deal with orders if want to eventually suffocate them or let on its on to various degrees of what can happen including routing your forces once you leave orbit.

Orbital Bombardment and Weapons of Mass destruction

As you may guess i do allow orbital bombardment of a planet, however there are certain criterias that must be detailed:

  1. The more ships you have on orbit doing it the greater the effect and damage to the planet infrastructure and population
  2. The bigger the ships the more effective is the bombardment, if you want ships to support operations smaller size ships are able to do so and minor infrastructure damage however you need big capital ships to do mass devastation.
  3. You can improve research upon the damage of your bombardment capabilities as well to deploy new weapons to bomb the planet with.
  4. Yes you are allowed to devastate a planet.
  5. Unless you develop specialized weaponry to glass a planet or really destroy it no amount of bombardment will kill everyone or totally ruin the planet ecosystem, of course you can affect it but not to end of times level.
  6. Nuclear weaponry and so on exists.

Galactic Council

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (6)

  1. The grand galactic council was founded some odd thirty standard galactic years ago by the Diclonii Union with the cooperation of several other nations in an attempt to mediate the great resurgence of conflict and problems as more and more space faring nations integrated into full contact. Each of you decide when your nation joined it or even if they are founding members of it however by the game start all space faring nations are part of the Galactic Council (GC).
  2. Located in the Solarix system upon a gigantic space station from an elder civilization it has been refurbished slowly to service the diplomatic embassies of the galaxy wide as well as a important center of commerce.
  3. The GC is a forum for nations to talk with each other and try to pass galactic wide legislation and initiatives. They can widely vary from operations against a pariah state to legislate intergalactic trade.
  4. At the start of the game all nations are granted one vote, with no vetos allowed for all initiative that are brought up in the council. The President of the GC gets to decide ties with an extra vote so resolutions always pass or fail. A vote with +1 majority will be considered passed and unless a nation orders not to follow it will be implemented.
  5. Nations can decide to vote, yes, nor or abstain if they abstain they will be not counted for the majority threshold.
  6. A nation or individual can decide to ignore a GC resolution at his own peril it would fall upon the other nations of the GC (just like real life) to try to force his cooperation or repercussions.
  7. After the start of the game the GC can be reformed, changed and its rules completely modified by resolutions made by the nations on the GC. Any nation can decide to abandon the GC if it so wishes, it will fall upon the rest of the nations to decide what happens then.

Galactic Movement

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (7)

Across the galaxy FTL communications have been achieved by all races, and auto-translators developed and distributed as such most nations can understand each other and navies and systems can communicate instantaneously. Our galaxy movement is rule by a set of defined Hyperlanes as you can see on the map as the only reasonable way to cross the vastness of space an the unfatable distances between systems.

All major civs has developed and can easily access engines for in system movement as such transversing inside a system is not an issue, taking a couple days to go from one side to another. However jumping between systems even with the great hyperlane network consumes time as they (unlike what our maps show) are very far from each other.

Civilian transportation and military engines greatly defer, meanwhile shipping vessels and other types of non combat vessels can transverse great distance during the year (even crossing from one side of the galaxy to the other) (done for sake of coherence in trade deals and son on) Military vessels in fleets cannot do such.

Thanks for the enormous size (even the small ones) and the highly complicated systems that normal vessels dont have most current jump technology allows fleet to do three (3) jumps in the space of a year by that i mean you can jump from system x to system y and then to system z and system V in one turn, however the fourth jump to system R would no be possible.

The amount of jumps can be increased by developing of new technologies but do take its time and costs with its risks.

Black holes

It was discovered long ago that black holes could be traveled and all are connected in a network. By these means ships can enter in one and leave in any other black hole in the galaxy. However it is not without its risk, traveling through black holes is a dangerous affair high amount of ships are regularly loss and even whole fleets have been swallowed up.

Another important factor is traveling through a system affected by a black hole, as black holes break reality within its domain when you jump to one it actually is done much quicker than a standard jump as such you can go from one system connected to a black hole to another in only one jump, of course meanwhile less risky than going through a black it is to be expected to loss vessels traversing it fighting in a black hole is one of the lesser things you want to do as it is deadly.

Non Aligned Union

The galaxy is a place alive itself, not just made up of the bigger nations, dozens of systems have their own nationalities and civilizations however they have not manage to develop enough be it military or otherwise to expand beyond their first system borders.

These smaller local states are integral part of the galactic commerce and meanwhile a great percentage of them are populated by humans descended from the long lost First Empire many hold sentient beings of different origins. What matters is that this systems do not enjoy to just being swallowed and meanwhile they may be weaker than the bigger nations they are not defenseless.

To make a voice for the small ones of the galaxy the Non-Aligned Union emerged a collective voice in the Galactic council with one seat at the table of the giants.

Most of these small nations employ a variety of mercenary forces to fight each other as well to defend themselves.


Private Military Corporations are a very important part of warfare of our time, employed massively by small neutral nations and bigger nation alikes these corporations can have hundreds of thousand to millions of very experienced and well armed men under them for those who like the fight but no to do it themselves. Some have even build themselves reputable specialize naval forces.


Space is vast and rich, untold number of merchant and civilians ships alike go through it with their precious cargo, thankfully there are people to take that risk from them...with a gun. Pirates and privateers are part of living in our galaxy fearsome captains roam the neutral space as well national space raiding cargo and lightly defended outpost and striking fear upon all!.

Pirate fleets can have many different sizes but the great pirate lords are said to command hundreds of ships upon their call.

Humanity Common Background

Few will say the humans were gods, but their once mighty domain invoked many to believe they were touched by god. Whether on their own merits or elevated by a supreme power hidden in the stars, this relatively young species was able to achieve what others could only dream of. Shrouded in mystery, their story tells of fleets gilded in the latest technologies and armies of dedicated individuals consisting of statesmen, administrators and warriors. Among them a single persona symbolized their unity, "The First Citizen". This leader ruled with immense power, but it was not limitless. Various institutions and the people themselves checked his or her authority in the pursuit of various ideals such as liberty and equality.

Cobbling together what precious information they have, historians managed to infer and deduce some of the tale behind The First Empire, dividing its history into sections centered around major events.

The Era of the Stars - Known as a time of rapid expansion through exploration and peaceful means. Various tribes colonized dozens of planets to advance their own aims but while it was a period of adventure into the unknown, it was also a dangerous time. Many colonies failed, wiped out via natural disasters, technological failures, famine and in ultra-rare cases overwhelmed by indigenous species. With the cost and risks skyrocketing in founding a new colony, the disparate tribes knew their monumental problem could not be tackled alone.

The Grand Unification - Pooling together their resources, all the human tribes formed up into a singular entity that was economic, political and even scientific in nature. Sharing in the burden of colonization, humans reached new, dizzying heights making their presence known throughout the galaxy. It was considered a golden era filled by stark advances in the areas of the arts, science, and technology.

Platinum Era - With more wealth, more problems. In order to protect the sprawling empire's trade lanes from a myriad of threats, the Imperial Navy is created. Scientists achieve a breakthrough in creating stable Hyperlanes engines, further augmenting the fleet's reach. In order to tackle the growing bureaucracy, government authority becomes further and further centralized, angering various colonial settlements culminating in several instances of insurrection.

Despotic Era- Unwilling to tolerate the growing resistance, the central government coalesces towards a principal figure who spearheads greater control and punitive measures. This move has the opposite effect, causing even greater outcry. Rebellion after bloody rebellion is put down, straining imperial resources and testing the loyalties of the fleet with each atrocity committed. It is noted as one of the empire's low points, ending with a brief civil war that deposes the tyrannical government and installs a more democratic, albeit run by the higher classes, form of governance.

Era of the Grand Republic - Restrictions on the First Empire's citizens are rolled back and freedoms are restored. Various reforms are enacted to improve quality of life. Political inclusiveness is expanded in a time period marked with the concept of "General Consensus" and various ideals advancing humanism. Both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army are reorganized to a less rigid structure, accommodating diversity while championing the rights of all. Armies were divided into Legions while the space forces were organized in a similar fashion: Individual ships were known as Centuria, captained by a Trierarch and entire squadrons were known as Centurians under the command of a Nauarchus. Entire fleets were called Princeps with one known as the Praetorian Fleet, charged specifically with the protection of the capital.

Late Republic Era - Marked by economic stagnation, cultural deviance, and even religious upheaval, the First Empire began to buckle beneath its own weight. Out of touch leadership antagonized younger generations, attempting to clamp down on new movements deemed detrimental to both imperial authority and that of humanity itself. Old colonial grievances began to manifest with several systems placed under martial law. Corruption became rampant as the sprawling expanse was too much to administer and enforce. Expenditures began to spiral out of control with more and more military spending designed to desperately cling to various sectors on the cusp of open rebellion. An event known as "The Purge" ends the Late Republic Era, precipitating what is now known as "The Fall."

The Fall - The First Empire Begin a series of long and protracted wars with the Edhelon empire from the south, a race of long lived beings. Beset by this new enemy and new emerging races it begins a slow decline for humanity the Edhelon forces begin overwhelming the frontiers. A catastrophic even in the now lost capital of the empire sealed its fate and opened up the gates for other. For unknown reasons many hyperlanes in the galaxy collapsed in segments isolating whole parts of the galaxy on its own and crumbling the human unity. In the south the Edhelon empire and its powerful house conquer the imperial lands and as the hyperlane reconnect over a thousand years later expand to reach it zenith.

With no central authority, the imperial entity was thrown into complete chaos. Worse, whatever had severed the capital from the rest of the empire spread, isolating entire segments of the enormous polity. Fragmented, force projection disappeared nearly overnight as entire worlds quickly declared sovereignty. The remnant military forces turned on one another, becoming essentially mercenaries to the highest bidder.

Governors, Senators, cult leaders and even military figures rose up as warlords, carving up their own fiefdoms in their struggle for survival. One of the final records of The First Empire denotes a mass exodus of humans fleeing the chaos in every direction, hoping to escape what they very well believed was an apocalypse of their own making. From the core worlds to the frontier and beyond Imperial space did they hope to find their salvation, leaving humanity divided ever since.

Little remains from the First Empire, its true origins lost to time. Some say their capital was Citis, but this is pure conjecture. A fringe minority believes humans are not even native to this galaxy but thus far nothing has proven this theory. All that remains are scattered packets of data recovered from ruined satellites and abandoned outposts sprinkled in the vastness of space. In the last several decades explorers, prospectors and other spacefarers speak of ruins in curiously remote places whose architecture cannot be readily identified.

Master of the Galaxy: Heaven´s Fall OOC (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.