How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (2024)

How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (1)Now that summer has come and gone, it is time to reevaluate the garden. Did your hydrangeas look their best? I adore the vivid hues of a Nikko Blue hydrangea, but my soil is so alkaline, that the best they have ever done is an insipid pink-lavender. Until now! I’ve learned that turning a hydrangea blue naturally, with no harsh chemicals, can actually be easy. Just add… coffee!

First, a word of warning. Not all hydrangeas are actually able to produce show stopping blue flowers. Best suited are mopheads and lacecaps (Nikko Blue, Pretty in Pink, Forever Pink and Blue Deckle, for example), which have blooms that vary from pink, to purple, to stunning blue. Based on the chemistry of the soil, these plants can vary dramatically from one shrub to another and even from flower to flower! The more acidic the soil, the bluer the bloom.

The first step is to test the pH of your soil. A pH of less than 7 is considered acidic and 7 is neutral, while anything higher than 7 is alkaline (referred to by some gardeners as “sweet soil”). If your soil is very alkaline, it will contain a great deal of sodium, calcium and magnesium. And, because alkaline soil is less soluble than acidic or neutral soil, the availability of nutrients can be limited, resulting in stunted growth and nutrient deficiency of your plants.

How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (2)

How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (3)

Testing your soil’s pH should be on your late summer/early fall gardening checklist. This will give you the information you need to amend the soil before winter, as well as first thing in the spring. This gives you enough time to provide hydrangeas with the acidity they need in order to produce big, beautiful blue blooms next summer. Soil pH testing kits are widely available at specialty home and garden stores, big box retailers, and even on Amazon.

Once you are armed with your pH level, it is time to start adjusting your soil. To adjust the acidity of soil, coffee grounds are the simple, easy and free solution. The increased acidity from coffee grounds makes it easier for the plant to absorb naturally occurring aluminum in the dirt, resulting in beautiful blue flowers.

To use coffee grounds as fertilizer, simply work the grounds into the soil around your plants (a great use for stale coffee). Leftover, diluted coffee works well too!

This is not a quick process. In order to maintain growing conditions that result in blue blooms, you will need to apply many times. The trick is to be consistent from fall through spring, well before the hydrangeas bloom. The earlier you add coffee grounds to the soil, the earlier you affect the bloom color of the flower, since buds begin to develop during the winter.

In addition to gorgeous blue blooms, adding coffee grounds to the soil has some other benefits, too. Coffee grounds will improve drainage, water retention and aeration of the soil. They also help microorganisms that are beneficial to plant growth thrive, and attract earthworms.

How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (4)

How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (5)

Many gardeners swear that coffee grounds are also helpful in keeping slugs and snails away from plants. Similarly, the coffee is helpful as a cat repellent and will keep neighborhood cats from using your flower beds as a litter box.

So, brew an extra pot and sit down to a delicious cup of Joe… with your plant!

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How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (6)

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How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?! (2024)


How to Turn a Hydrangea Blue Using Coffee Grounds - Susan Said... WHAT?!? ›

Start adding coffee grounds to the soil surrounding your hydrangeas in late fall. Sprinkle them around your hydrangeas, but be sure to work them into the soil to help eliminate any off-putting smell. You do not need to do this process often—just two to three times per year should be sufficient.

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Some gardeners report success in turning their hydrangeas blue by applying coffee grounds to the soil. The coffee grounds make the soil more acidic, allowing the hydrangea to more easily absorb aluminum. In addition, fruit peels, lawn clippings, peat moss and pine needles, are thought to have a similar effect.

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Spread the sulfur or an organic soil acidifier evenly out to the widest branches and water it in. Repeat at 60-day intervals until you get the color you want. A pH of 5.5 should result in violet-blue blooms, while 4.5 will result in a deep blue. A soil pH of 5.0 will cause flowers to bloom in a more muted blue.

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Coffee grounds, crushed banana peels or tea grounds mixed in with the soil will provide a good supply of everything your hibiscus needs. You can alternatively water with liquid manure or decoction from plant residues or vegetable water.

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Adjust Your Soil's pH

To turn hydrangeas blue, you'll need to make your soil more acidic. You may have heard of tricks like adding coffee grounds, vinegar or even pennies or a bundle of rusty nails to the soil. However, it's best to use aluminum sulfate, which is a proven method for changing flower color.

How often should I put coffee grounds around my hydrangeas? ›

Start adding coffee grounds to the soil surrounding your hydrangeas in late fall. Sprinkle them around your hydrangeas, but be sure to work them into the soil to help eliminate any off-putting smell. You do not need to do this process often—just two to three times per year should be sufficient.

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From captivating blue to the brightest pinks and all the purple hues in between, these flowers are true rainbows. Unfortunately, if you're looking to alter the color of your hydrangeas this season, your pantry staples won't help. Contrary to popular belief, baking soda does not change hydrangea colors.

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In most cases, the grounds are too acidic to be used directly on soil, even for acid-loving plants like blueberries, azaleas and hollies. Coffee grounds inhibit the growth of some plants, including geranium, asparagus fern, Chinese mustard and Italian ryegrass.

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Feed with a high potash liquid feed every 10-14 days during the growing season, from spring to early autumn, especially when in flower. You can keep plant compact, bushy and flowering well with annual pruning.

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Do natural ingredients like coffee grounds help fertilize hydrangeas? Coffee grounds add acidity to the soil, allowing the plant to uptake aluminum, which turns the flowers blue. Other natural fertilizer ingredients include bone meal, compost, and manure.

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It will react with other ions, including those plants absorb. This means that aluminum is now "mobile" and can be taken up by plants. As hydrangeas take up more aluminum ions, the blooms take on blue hues. Bigleaf hydrangeas can have blue flowers in acidic soils and pink flowers in basic soils.

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In fact, adding too much magnesium (which hydrangeas don't really require in high amounts) could potentially lead to an imbalance in soil nutrients, making it even harder for the hydrangeas to access the aluminum they need to produce blue flowers. The verdict: Epsom salt does not change hydrangea flower color.

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Generally speaking, acidic soil, with a pH lower than 6.0, yields blue or lavender-blue hydrangea blooms. Alkaline soil, with a pH above 7.0, promotes pinks and reds. With a pH between 6 and 7, the blooms turn purple or bluish-pink. To lower your pH, add garden sulfur or aluminum sulfate to your soil.

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