24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (2024)

24 best DIY garden trellis ideas & designs: build easy cucumber trellis, bean teepee, beautiful vine pergola, plant screen, & vegetable garden structures!

As a garden designer and plant lover, one of my favorite garden elements is the garden trellis. A plant trellis can add so much charm and functionality in a landscape design.

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (1)

It offers supports for beautiful flowering or fruiting vines ( such as rose or cucumber trellis ), adds more growing area for small gardens and in raised beds, and helps to create attractive outdoor spaces such as arches, tunnels, gates, privacy screens, and beautiful walls and fences.

These 21 DIY-friendly garden trellis ideas and vertical growing structure projects will show you how to make a simple garden trellis, and create an abundant and beautiful garden!

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (2)

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A couple of FAQs: “How tall should a trellis be?”

For smaller climbing plants such as cucumbers, bush (determinate) tomatoes, or peas, a 3′ to 4′ tall trellis is plenty. For taller plants such as indeterminate tomatoes, beans, and many green or flowering vines, you will want a trellis over 5′ tall, or an overhead arch or pergola which are at least 7′ tall.

1. Magical DIY bamboo bean teepees garden trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (3)

A teepee is a very easy to build garden structure. This easy DIY bean teepee is made of bamboo stakes and garden twine. A teepee trellis takes up very little storage when not in use. ( Source: Artful Parent )

2. Build a garden teepee cucumber trellis with branches

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (4)

A garden teepee made of branches is a delightful retreat for all ages! You can also use it as a cucumber trellis. ( Source: Serendipity Life )

3. Tomato trellis works better than tomato cages

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (5)

This simple DIY tomato trellis made it possible for us to grow over 100 lbs of tomatoes in just 20 square feet. Tutorial and building plan here.

4. Enchanting arched trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (6)

A tunnel adds so much charm to a garden. It invites us to walk through and explore the garden with childlike wonder. This attractive squash arch trellis is made of branches and garden wires. Choose softer branches such as willow branches that are easy to bend .

5. How to build arched garden trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (7)

You can make trellis arch from many materials, such as branches, or PVC pipes.

You may also like: 25 most beautiful and DIY friendly garden paths

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (8)

6. How to build bamboo garden trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (9)

Bamboo poles are strong yet light weight, which makes them easy to work with. You can create vertical garden structures and tie plants to the poles as they grow. ( Source: Elmueble )

7. Easy DIY bamboo trellis with strings

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (10)

This type of bamboo garden trellis is great for growing climbing plants like tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, peas, etc. ( Source: Fine Gardening )

8. Simple and sturdy A-frame wood trellis panels for garden and pots

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (11)

Two wood framed panels joined together with hinges, these garden trellis panels can be stored flat when not in use. Smaller trellises like this is also great for gardening in pots and containers. ( Source: 8 | Gardeners )

9. DIY A-frame garden trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (12)

There are lots of creative variations for an A frame trellis, such as using hardware panel on the tomato trellis, or strings on the cucumber trellis. ( Source: Amazon | An Oregon Cottage )

You may also love: 24 beautiful container gardens with planting list for each!

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (13)

11. Easy cucumber trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (14)

The simple fold-able trellis design is great for a cucumber trellis. ( Source: Amazon )

12. Painted wood trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (15)

A painted wooden trellis adds so much color and charm to a garden! ( Source lost. Please let me know if you find it!)

13. Raised planter trellis for vegetables

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (16)

A free standing wood or metal garden trellis planter is an effective way to create a patio and garden screen with climbing plants or dress up a blank wall. ( Source: Seattle Urban Farm )

14. Wall trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (17)

Wall trellis is a great feature to decorate a blank garden wall with flowers and vines. This can also be a great garden screen trellis to provide privacy for a patio, porch, or backyard, while growing some beautiful fragrant flowering vines such as jasmine and honeysuckles. ( Source: Homes to Love )

15. Arched plant trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (18)

You can also make an arch plant trellis from branches and short rebars or wood dowels. Beans and gourds are great plants for an arched trellis! ( Source: This Old House )

16. Beautiful plant trellis for vegetable gardens

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (19)

Runner Beans trained over metal arbor leading to focal point of large classic earthenware jar. An arch is a classic trellis design that is both beautiful and functional. Via Garden Design

17. Garden gate pergola

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (20)

A tunnel type arched trellis is amazing, especially when there are delicious fruits, veggies and pretty flowers hanging from it. Scarlet runner bean is one of the most beautiful climbers in an edible garden. ( Source: Sunset )

18. DIY Squash arch

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (21)

This DIY squash arch can be a beautiful functional trellis in a vegetable garden.

19. Obelisk style wood garden trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (22)

An obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top. It is a classic type of garden structure that adds elegance to a garden. ( Source: 16

20. Farmhouse country style wood trellis obelisk ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (23)

You can make really beautiful free standing obelisk style trellises from 1x2s and 2x2s. Tutorial at She Holds Dearly.

21. Vertical planter trellis

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (24)

Love this Strawberry wood trellis planter by Elle Ogden .

22. Traditional kitchen garden trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (25)

Before people had power tools, they made incredibly beautiful garden trellises like these using flexible branches from Willow or other native trees. ( Source: Tim Gainey )

23. Timeless inspirations: willow garden trellis and bench

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (26)

This gorgeous woven bench and trellis is so magical. ( Source: Charlotte Moss)

There are so much you could create with plants! Here are 12 amazing LIVING structures to create!

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (27)

24. Ladder plant trellis ideas

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (28)

In small space gardens, we can grow herbs and vegetables with planters attached to a sturdy frame lattice panel that leans on any vertical surface. ( Source: BHG )

Related: 16 inspiring ladder hacks for every room.

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (29)

Oh, I almost forgot this one! A DIY grape arbor / pergola with free building plan and lots of details!

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (30)

Happy growing! See you next week!

24 Easy DIY Garden Trellis Ideas & Plant Structures - A Piece of Rainbow (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.